
Plan and Elevation

Conceptual Rendering

Conceptual Rendering

Final Rendering
In designing a set for “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles, I focused on how Oedipus’ entire fate is predetermined, but throughout the play it is clear that he does not know what is next in store for him. Inspired by this notion of a harsh and predetermined path, I designed a plexiglass labyrinth to act as the play space. The plexi boxes light up and remain lit as Oedipus walks the path throughout the play, but are dark before he steps on them. As the play progresses and Oedipus makes his way through the story and set, the audience sees the pre-existing path emerging before them. The plexiglass boxes are all treated with red scratches to reference Oedipus' fateful end as he gouges out his eyes.